As the narrative of the podcast expands the list of people, places, and things keeps growing. We’ve posted an initial list here to help you keep tract of who’s who and what’s what. The list is no where near complete, actually, it’s just starting. Look for regular updates. Enjoy immersing yourself in our world! 

Abbot: The title for magic wielding, ordained practitioners of The Church of Ukko. 

Abbot of Arngol, The: The title of the head abbot in Arngol College. Currently, the title is held by Abbot Sigmund.

Allen Hughes: A blacksmith. Jacob’s friend.

Angrim of Laurel: Disgraced squire from Laurel Barony, Kent Duchy. During the Confederation Civil War, he was the only knight-in-training at Arngol College. 

Arngol College: The chief training center for knights and abbots in The Confederation of Duchies.

Boland Gard: Or simple “Boland” is one of the Free Baronies in northern Suithland with a capital town of the same name situated between  Arngol College and the Vstary Hills.

Boris Kirsonov: Squire from Quint Duchy in the Northeastern portion of The Confederation of Duchies who traveled to Arngol College in the third year of The Confederation Civil War but was sent by The Abbot of Arngol, Sigmund, to Worland Barony in Suithland to receive his training.

Bravis: Both a Duchy in the northern portion of The Confederation of Duchies and the language spoken by the people living in The Confederation and Suithland region.

Cavalrikavo: Horse trainers employed by Arngol College. They produce the best war mounts in The Confederation of Duchies. 

Grian: (gr-I-an. Even though we pronounce it “gr-E-an” half the time) the village where graves were violated and the adventure began.

Griffiths, Ron & Dorothy: Hosted Boris Kirsonov while he lived in Grian on Baron Cutler’s order.

Hevo Senken: Old Bravis for “Horseshoe Falls”: The location where Olaf Lindquist believes a new source of ancient, game changing power lies dormant. Also, an excellent place to fish Brook Trout.

Hiller: A village along the east branch of the Talfalva River.

Horseshoe Falls: The location where Olaf Lindquist believes a new source of ancient, game changing power lies dormant. Also, an excellent place to fish Brook Trout. 

Jakob Treadstone: Hunting guide from the village of Grian in Worland Barony.

Ludmilla Ahdar: A druid who lived in Grian, and is also Zelen’s grandmother

Maelsmorn: The sea bordered by Vlak Veld and the Salt Flats.

Olaf Lindquist: The man who gathers artifacts near Grian and the Black Stair.

Old Bravis: Refers to both an ancient, semi-mythic empire that once encompassed all of The Confederation of Duchies, Suithland / Borderland region, and parts of The Corman Empire as well as the language that was spoken there.

Olsen Lynch: This citizen of Grian died 5 years ago. He collected art objects from different regions and encouraged traders to bring more exotic wares from faraway places. After his death, his collection was dispersed among the townspeople. Lynch was well liked and many townspeople selected small objects and now carry them as tokens. 

Sky-Servants: Angelic beings who on rare occasions bond with abbots of the Church of Ukko.

Slagmark Desert: Lowland desert that separates The Confederation of Duchies and Suithland from The Corman Empire.

Sylvain Vitborg: the man who “gates in.” Olaf Lindquist’s superior in the Zreck chain of command. He is also the Baron of Kentat in Nord-Kust Duchy in The Confederation of Duchies.

Talfalva River: The largest river between The Confederation of Duchies and the Slagmark Desert.

Worland: One of the Free Baronies in northern Suithland with a capital town of the same name situated along the Brimroar Hills.

Vlak Veld: Northernmost of the Free Baronies in Suithland with a capital town of the same name situated near Salt Flats and the Maelsmorn Sea

Votrik: the man to set the wheels in motion to secure artifacts in the area.

Vstary: A former barony destroyed by the Army of Arngol 50 years ago. Its capital town lies in ruin and its lands have become an overgrown waste.

Vstary Mansion: The capital town of the barony of the same name. 

Zelen Adhar: Druid and healer from Grian whose grandmother was Ludmilla